Thursday, August 11

Reception cardholder

Mom found a picture of a mailbox-cardholder at some random person's wedding reception.
I loved it!  So I set about making my own.
I purchased a black mailbox from Lowes, removed the flag, spraypainted it white, applied the font, and added some ribbon and flowers! Two 3" sq blocks of wood made a nice base.
I designed this on my laptop, and used transfer paper to trace it onto the mailbox.
I handpainted the font on :)

My very own kitchen quilt

Horrible picture, but does it convey the depth of my love for this wall hanging?  Mom has had a nearly identical one hanging in our kitchen for years, and she surprised me with my very own a few weeks ago!!!
Thanks, Mom! You're sweet and I love you :)

Half of Ohio trip

Headed to Ohio to visit with Dad's uncle and aunt, and Mom's parents
What was everyone doing on the drive??  Sleeping...
reading...and either driving or...sleeping :)
Why I love the Smoky Mountains
We drove through Cincinnati, Ohio for the first time
Dad saw this "little" guy on top of one of the buildings!
Finally! At Uncle Johnny and Aunt Sandy's
Their house was built in 1805...
First night we went to a Celtic Festival in downtown Dayton
Downtown was beautiful!
For Mom
I got a HUGE turkey leg for supper :)
So mature, Uncle Johnny...
Sunset over the river
In the backyard
They had a beautiful dog..named Emily :)
-Emilys are both sweet-

Tuesday, August 9

Wedding prep...getting closer

Rachel and I made 140 little baggies full of rice
 Mom let me borrow a huge basket
 Then, making dozens and dozens of cookies for the rehearsal dinner
Mmmmm :b

Family Camp 2011

It was hot.
It was sticky.
It rained almost all day, everyday.
No cell reception.
BUT!!! there was great fellowship, a night of singing around the campfire, and this neat plaque in our cabin.
 I like this
This is the meeting room

FL trip...again :) :) :)

This trip was to paint my whole house...but we also had a lot of fun!
If you want to see the house in detail, go to Susie's blog for all the pix.
 Alyssa came with us!! My two best friends are together for a whole week!!
 We had a picnic on the beach
We attempted to see a sunrise but it was cloudy.
Oh well. Fun anyways!
Oh yeah, and Susie and Alyssa are amazing chaperones :)

Bridal shower!

Awe :) Alyssa Hefner (as a good maid of honor) gave me a personal shower at her house July 6th.
Everyone pitched in and we had a blast!
 Purdy flavers
They had a pretty pink t-shirt for me too!
Thanks Mrs. Hefner, Bethany, Emily, and Alyssa!

4th of July

Yes, I know it's August 9th...but I've been a little busy lately :)
Here's a quick update
4th of July came and we met several families from Emmanuel and watched fireworks at the Kings Mountain Park.  We got there too early, so some of us played Phase 10
They were lame
Afterwards Joe, a Marine friend, came home with us and we played our traditional game of Bridge.
Dad and Susie came closest to winning...since we never finished the game :)
Happy 4th!!