Wednesday, May 2

Colors of a Florida Spring

Welcome to May!  Our spring here in FL started about mid-February.
Here are some pictures I took around the yard.
Our back porch
The blueberries are getting fat!
The squash is plumping up nicely, too :)
I don't know what I'll do with it once it's mature, though...
I have a few tomatoes starting to show.
 The lettuce has grown so fast that we need to have salad with every supper to keep it from exploding its little box, there.
 See the web in the peach tree?
I LOVE the peach blooms in spring! 
Mom Bryan left 2 rose bushes, one yellow miniatures...
...and one red, full-sized. 
 Amaryllis bulbs I transplanted around the front porch.
 Kalanchoe flowers (I had to search to find that name)
 I have two pots of them by the front door.
The azaleas go crasy mid-march, then lose the flowers late April.
There's some color for your May day (a tad late) :)