Saturday, March 19

My First Post!!!!

For Gooberhead

They met in May, I do believe
My sister and this guy named Steve
It's not been very widely spread
That I often call him Gooberhead

My chaping days will soon be done
My sister's heart this guy has won
On August the 13th they'll wed
My sister and this gooberhead

She's got some time to pack and plan
She'll soon be off to join her man
He is a nut I've heard it said
That crazy, Bryan gooberhead

We'll all be sad to see her go
They will be happy, this I know
Down to Florida he has led
My sister's loving gooberhead

I hope to often visit there
My faithful camera I will bear
Many stories I will spread
Of my sister and her gooberhead

A happy household they will start
I pray they never have to part
I hope you often hear it said
My sister loves that gooberhead
~Susie P.  Jan 2, 2011


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I've never seen that poem before...I like it :)
    ~LUCAS =)

  2. Yup, Susie wrote it while we were in Florida last time. Actually, it was the trip that last picture is from, on the beach...
