I killed my Motorola Rapture cellphone several months ago. Since then I've used my sister, Liz's, old phone. Hers didn't work much of the time, and dropped calls left and right.
So about a week ago Dad ordered a new phone for me.
This is Susie's phone. I really like it, see how pretty it is!
And soooo sweet for texting quickly
Dad ordered me one just like hers (I know, copycat) on eBay.
It came today! Yaaaay! I have communication again!!
Wait half a minute...
So the dealer sent me the wrong phone :(
I want my LG COSMOS!!!
Hmmmmm. But wait, this phone is easy to hold, I like the display, it has a silent keypad...hmmm
Oh Wow :)
It's totally waterproof!!!!
Oh Sweet :)
You can run over it with a semi, or throw it into a cement wall and nothing happens to it.
This is the phone I've needed all my klutzy life! (No, I did not run over the phone...it was just a photo op)
Dad contacted the dealer to tell him that we'd like to keep this phone, even though it wasn't the one we ordered. When Dad looked at the price difference, the BARRAGE was about $600 including the required plan. The COSMOS was only $129, and we weren't required to get the $200 plan either.
Boo. So if I wanted to keep my indestructible phone, it'd be about $400 dollars more! Not worth it to me.
the dealer is no longer available on eBay! So we get to keep the phone! Praise the Lord! How else could I have gotten (by accident) a military-grade, indestructible, waterproof cellphone for less than $150?
Plus, this really cute wallpaper can be downloaded to the phone ;)
haha love this! you are so funny! :)