Thursday, January 12

Vacation 2011-12

After Christmas, Steve still had a week of vacation, we wanted to use that time to finish remodeling a small bedroom into a master bathroom.  Steve's brother, Nate, also had the week off and did most of the work.

 Nate and his wife, Dani, came over nearly every night.  I got a lot of time with their son, Ethan.
 Nate taught Ethan to climb the attic stairs :)
 James put in the shower...
 Nate did the carpentry and drywalling...
 Steve put in a light over the sink, and an exhaust fan...
Our wonderful, patient, hapily-married friend, Jimmy, moved the A/C vent to over the door...( :b For Sam!)
 Everybody contributed to the mess.
With the room nearly finished, and the week ending quickly, we decided that a quick camping trip would round our vacation off.
Where did we go?
You mean, With whom did we go?
Tell you later :)


  1. Those look like f-f-f-f-fishing rods you and Steve are holding. What in the wide world of sports?

  2. and Jimmy helped too for several hours, may I add to your post ;-)
